The Regional Municipality of York Police Service Board

Minutes of the Public Meeting

Subject to Board Approval

Electronic and In-Person Meeting
Board Members:
  • W. Emmerson, Chair, 
  • S. Pellegrini, Vice Chair, 
  • W. Perchal, 
  • N. McCullough, 
  • M. Cortellucci, 
  • L. Jackson, 
  • and M. Bodenstein 
  • A. Basant Sisavang, Executive Director, 
  • J. Kogan, Administrative Assistant, 
  • R. Kelly, Policy Analyst, 
  • J. MacSween, Chief of Police, 
  • A. Almeida, Deputy Chief of Police, 
  • P. Da Silva, Deputy Chief of Police, 
  • J. Killby, Acting Deputy Chief of Police, 
  • C. Dawson, Superintendent, Executive Officer to the Chief of Police, 
  • J. Channell, Executive Director, Financial Services and Administration, 
  • C. Deevy, Counsel, Legal Services, 
  • V. Aguiar, Executive Director, People, Wellness and Talent, 
  • and D. Kuzmyk, Regional Solicitor and General Counsel 

The Board Chair called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

The Board Chair made the following remarks:

“On behalf of the Board, we acknowledge that York Region is located on the traditional territory of many Indigenous peoples including the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat and Métis peoples and the treaty territories of the Haudenosaunee, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and Williams Treaties First Nations.

Today this area is home to many diverse Indigenous Peoples, and we recognize their history, spirituality, culture and stewardship of this land. We also acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our closest First Nation community.”

  • Moved ByMrs. McCullough
    Seconded ByMr. Cortellucci

    That the Board confirm the minutes for the public session of the meeting held on March 27, 2024, in the form supplied to the members.


York Regional Police presented its 2023-2025 Inclusive Action Plan, which details specific strategies to promote Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) across the organization and within the community. The three-year Plan highlights five high-priority areas of work related to racial equity and anti-racism. The Plan includes the development of a racial equity action plan, conducting an equity audit to review programs and policies to identify possible systemic barriers to racial equity and inclusion, creating a race and identity-based collection framework, implementing mandatory anti-racism training and the addition of an internal Ombudsperson.

Additionally, the Plan includes a two-year project on race and identity-based data collection under the direction of consultant Dr. Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, which will focus on employment data and police interactions.

The Plan is informed by an internal Anti-Black racism Working Group report, YRPSB’s Committee Report on Anti-Black Racism and Building Community Trust and the Enhanced Community Engagement and Community Policing report. The report and presentation highlight the areas of focus and progress towards YRP’s shared goal to “enrich inclusive practices for our members and the community.” Pathways to IDEA include valuing diversity, implementing equitable systems and practices to ensure a culture of inclusion, using training and education to develop skills and knowledge to improve our daily conduct and decision-making, and supporting accessibility for our members of all abilities. The Plan is overseen by YRP’s Professionalism, Leadership and Inclusion Office.

To view the 2023 accomplishments, 2024 goals, key updates on high-priority areas and other details of the Plan, please view the presentation and Board report.

  • Moved ByMrs. McCullough
    Seconded ByVice Chair Pellegrini

    That the Board receive the presentation and Board report, Item No. 8.4 Annual Report on Equity and Inclusion Strategy.



  • Moved ByMr. Cortellucci
    Seconded ByVice Chair Pellegrini

    That the Board receive the correspondence from Simon Granat, Legislative Coordinator, Town of Newmarket, dated March 26, 2024.

  • Moved ByMr. Cortellucci
    Seconded ByVice Chair Pellegrini

    That the Board receive the following recommendations contained in the Report of the Chief of Police:

    1. That the Board approve the direct purchase of professional IT services for implementing a talent management system from 7 Key Consulting Corp. at a cost not to exceed $472,900 excluding Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) for a period of 24 months; and
    2. That the Chief of Police is authorized to execute the contract subject to the terms and conditions being on legal terms satisfactory to the Regional Municipality of York’s Regional Solicitor, or designate.
  • Moved ByMr. Cortellucci
    Seconded ByVice Chair Pellegrini

    That the Board receive the following recommendation contained in the Report of the Chief of Police:

    1. That the Board receive this report for information.
  • Moved ByMr. Cortellucci
    Seconded ByVice Chair Pellegrini

    That the Board receive the following recommendations contained in the Report of the Executive Director:

    1. That the Board approve the following disbursements from the Board’s Public Relations Fund
      1. of $10,000 in support of the Canadian Association of Police Governance.
      2. $5,000 in support of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards.
  • Moved ByMrs. McCullough
    Seconded ByVice Chair Pellegrini

    That the Board receive the following recommendations contained in the Report of the Chief of Police:

    1. It is recommended that the Board approve York Regional Police’s Inclusive Policing Action Plan 2023 to 2025 pursuant to the Board’s Equity and Inclusion Policy No. 04/11; and
    2. That the Board receive this Annual Report for information pursuant to the Board’s Equity and Inclusion Policy No. 04/11.
  • Moved ByVice Chair Pellegrini
    Seconded ByMrs. McCullough

    That the Board convene in private session for the purpose of considering confidential items pertaining to legal and personnel matters in accordance with sections 44(2)(a)(b)(d) and (e) of the Community Safety and Policing Act.

    The Board met in Private Session at 10:21 a.m. and reconvened in the Public Session at 11:09 a.m.

  • Moved ByMrs. McCullough
    Seconded ByMr. Cortellucci

    That the Board rise and report from the Private Session.

  • Moved ByVice Chair Pellegrini
    Seconded ByMrs. McCullough

    That the Board adopt the following recommendation contained in the Report of the Chief of Police:

     People, Wellness and Talent

    1. That the Board confirms the hiring of two civilian members of the police service, pursuant to section 37(1)(b) of the Community Safety and Policing Act.

The Board had before it Bylaw No. 06-24. The Bylaw is necessary to confirm the proceedings of the Board at this meeting.

  • Moved ByMrs. McCullough
    Seconded ByMr. Cortellucci

    That Bylaw No. 06-24, being “a Bylaw confirming the proceedings of the Board at this meeting,” be read and enacted.

    Bylaw No. 06-24 was read and enacted as follows:

    “To confirm the proceedings of the Board at this meeting.”

  • Moved ByMr. Cortellucci
    Seconded ByVice Chair Pellegrini

    That the meeting be adjourned at 11:09 a.m.


    Anitra Basant Sisavang

    Executive Director


    Regional Chair Wayne Emmerson


    Minutes to be confirmed and adopted at the next regular meeting of the Board to be held on May 22, 2024.

    Alternative formats or communication supports are available upon request.
